This was such an intense and gripping novel by author Ruth Harrow, it was my first by her and I'm so glad I read it.
Alison suffered a terrible loss from the death of her baby and is trying to come to terms, but understandably it's not easy. Her husband Dan wants to get rid of all the baby's items but she's reluctant to do it.
She starts a photography business (failing her other startups) hires an assistant and opens a shop but soon things start to go wrong, someone is trying to make her business fail because something happened in the past that Alison knew about but didn't do anything and it's consuming her.
I loved the well-written characters, I thought I knew who the culprit was but got it wrong every single time!!.
It started a bit slow but early on it started to get intense and couldn't put it down, a real page-turner. It's such a suspenseful read and couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out the ending which was totally unexpected.

Ruth Harrow was born and raised in England and graduated from university before embarking on an unfulfilling career in an office job. She eventually put pen to paper and her debut psychological thriller, In Her Footsteps, was published in 2018. It quickly became a bestseller. Following the success of her first novel, her second and third books followed shortly afterwards. She lives in the UK with her husband, two children and chocolate Labrador, Rolo.